Good Taste ≠ Pure Water

Published on : November 28, 2017

Many domestic water purifiers available today are marketed based on superior taste. It, however, defeats the purpose of using water purifiers. Taste is not an indicator of the purity or the quality of water. Numerous contaminants do not affect the taste of the water in any manner. Since the whole point of buying a water purifier is to obtain pure drinkable water, you need to ensure that your water filtration system does more than improve the taste. The variances in water taste are usually due to the different soluble minerals present in the water. Hence there can be no standard water taste, as different areas have different mineral constituents. Tap water can sometimes taste funny due to chemicals like chlorine. Therefore, it is not possible to judge the purity of water just by tasting it.

Don’t postpone Filter changes based on the taste

“The water tastes fine. No need to change the filter”. A thought that crosses most people’s minds when it’s time for the periodic filter change of the water purifier. People tend to postpone the regular filter changes of the water purifier based on the taste of the water. The water taste may remain the same, but it may contain harmful pathogens. When the water filter is not changed after a while, sediments and bacteria can build up inside the filter, making the water unclean. The efficiency of the water purifier can only be maintained when the filter changes are carried out after the stipulated period. Some water filters can once in three months, while some might need a filter change once in six months. The frequency of filter change also depends on the usage.

How to Choose the Best Water Purifier?

When buying a water filter for your home, you should choose them based on their efficiency in purifying water. Water available from the tap may contain dangerous contaminants that adversely affect your health. Contaminants can be harmful chemicals, pathogens, and heavy metals. Regular water filters and UV water purifiers only kill the bacteria present in the water and cannot remove the dissolved pollutants, so Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifiers are more popular in the market. Unlike UV water purifiers, RO purifiers can remove dissolved chemicals and heavy metals from the water along with the bacteria. Unlike other water purifiers, the reverse osmosis filtration technique extremely effectively removes solid contaminants from water.

Do you know much chlorine is added to your tap water?

Adding chlorine results in the formation of harmful by-products such as TTHMs (total trihalomethanes) and HAAs (halo acetic acids), which are believed to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing). By using an RO water purifier, you no longer have to worry about dissolved impurities.

As you can see, the taste of water does not indicate its purity. You have nothing to worry about as long as you use quality water filters at home. Clean drinking water and nutritious food are the pillars of good health. Therefore, ensure pure drinking water for your family with RO water filters.

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